Generate an "expired" SSL certificate with keytool

You can use below openssl commands to generate expired certificates, which mimics the official process to sign certificates.

Note: Only tested on Linux.

Assume yourself as a CA

#Create CA key, which means you are now the CA using root.key and root.cer to sign certificates
openssl genrsa 4096 > root.key
#Create CA certificate expired ten years later
openssl req -new -x509 -key root.key -out root.cer -days 3650

Now, you are the one applying a signed certificate from CA

#Generates your own private key 
openssl genrsa 4096 > server.key
#Build a Certificate Signing Request
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

Now you are the CA again

#sign the certificate and make the certificate expired 1 day ago. Pay attention to the negative -days argument( not working on MacOS )
openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA root.cer -CAkey root.key -CAcreateserial -out server.cer -days -1

Then you can check the dates

openssl x509 -noout -text -in server.cer

Validity Not Before: Mar 7 09:11:13 2019 GMT Not After : Mar 6 09:11:13 2019 GMT

You can generate expired certificate using keytool command by using the following parameters.



while validity parameter takes only number of days as input, startdate parameter can be used to mention since when validity begins. The format for input to startdate parameter [yyyy/mm/dd][HH:MM:SS]

Refer to this link for details