GDAL SetGeoTransform does not work as expected

The syntax of your geo_transform is wrong (for this reason "No transformation is visible") but, with these parameters ("complete random/arbitrary numbers") probably QGIS it'll be closed (if you use its Python Console). You should use geo_transform with these guidelines:

geotransform[0] = top left x
geotransform[1] = w-e pixel resolution
geotransform[2] = 0
geotransform[3] = top left y
geotransform[4] = 0
geotransform[5] = n-s pixel resolution (negative value)

The correct syntax, e.g. a 30 x 30 raster resolution (in meters), it would be:

geotransform = ([ your_top_left_x, 30, 0, your_top_left_y, 0, -30 ])

by using square brackets in the list notation for the six parameters.