Game Object Appears in Scene View but not in Game View

This is a pretty old question but I just had the same issue. I solved it by playing around with the camera clipping planes.

To test if this is the case, hit play and when the object is supposed to be in view, hit pause.

Select the camera from the hierarchy and try altering the clipping planes - "Near" and "Far" properties from the inspector.

If this works then don't forget to make the same changes again after the game has stopped running - They reset to the way they were before you hit play.

I think this is to do with the distance from the camera that objects have to be, in order to be rendered. Its probably useful with fog etc. but I'm kinda new to Unity so could be wrong.

I tried posting a screenshot but apparently you're not allowed to help properly if you're new on here :s. probably to prevent spam etc.

Anyway, hope this helps someone out there :)

Unity Screenshot

It can happen for may problems

1. Culling mask problem:

just check it, it is set to everything or not

Culling Mask

2. Far Near problem:

Solve it by changing their values. I can't say about any specific values cause it varies from problem to problem

Far near Problem

3.Layer Problem:

this problem specially happen when you a create a new scene on unity but it can happen for many reasons

To solve this

  • Click on layers
  • Set everything visible

enter image description here enter image description here

On the Inspector of your MainCamera or Camera, you will find something called "depth", just set it to the same value as your field of view and it will work :)

