Functions inside componentDidMount are undefined

There is some fundamental misunderstanding here, you can still call the functions inside componentDidMount, however you should not define them inside it.

Simply define the functions outside componentDidMount and this will solve your problems, here is a short example

componentDidMount() {

function fetchUser(username) {
   let url = `${username}`;

function fetchApi(url) {
   .then((res) => res.json())
      .... some data that is being fetched .... 

Its a simple matter of scope:

function outer(){
  function inner(){
inner(); // error does not exist

As birdmars suggested you should call this.fetchUser() inside component did mount. but declare the function outside!

class App extends Component {

  render() {
    return (
        <SearchBox onSubmit={this.fetchUser}/>
        <Card data={this.state} />
        <BaseMap center={this.state.address}/>
  fetchUser(username) {
      let url = `${username}`;


  fetchApi(url) {
        .then((res) => res.json())
           .... some data that is being fetched .... 
  componentDidMount() {
    let url = username; //frome somewhere, most probably props then use props Changed function instead!
    var user = his.fetchUser(url)
    this.setState(() => {user: user});


export default App;