Functional style using lazy lists?

A "lazy list", "functional style" solution to this problem might look something like this:

sIntegers[] ~sMap~ Prime ~sFilter~ palindromicQ ~sTake~ 400 // sList

No such notation is built into Mathematica. However, creating such notations is Mathematica's strong suit. Let's do it.

First, we need to define the notion of a "stream". Streams are inherently lazy, so let's use HoldAll:

SetAttributes[stream, {HoldAll}]

A stream can be empty:

sEmptyQ[stream[]] := True

... or it can be non-empty, having two elements:

sEmptyQ[stream[_, _]] = False;

The first element of the stream is called the "head":

sHead[stream[h_, _]] := h

The remaining elements of the stream are called the "tail":

sTail[stream[_, t_]] := t

Armed with these definitions, we can now express an infinite stream of integers thus:

sIntegers[n_:1] :=
  With[{nn = n+1}, stream[n, sIntegers[nn]]]

sIntegers[] // sEmptyQ                 (* False *)
sIntegers[] // sHead                   (* 1 *)
sIntegers[] // sTail // sHead          (* 2 *)
sIntegers[] // sTail // sTail // sHead (* 3 *)

Infinite streams are difficult to display in a notebook. Let's introduce sTake which truncates a stream to a fixed length:

sTake[s_stream, 0] := stream[]
sTake[s_stream, n_] /; n > 0 :=
  With[{nn = n-1}, stream[sHead[s], sTake[sTail[s], nn]]]

Let's also introduce sList, which converts a (finite) stream into a list:

sList[s_stream] :=
  , Reap[
      NestWhile[(Sow[sHead[#], tag]; sTail[#])&, s, !sEmptyQ[#]&]
    , tag
    ][[2]] /. {l_} :> l

Now we can inspect an integer stream directly:

sIntegers[] ~sTake~ 10 // sList
(* {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} *)

sMap applies a function to every element of a stream:

sMap[stream[], _] := stream[]
sMap[s_stream, fn_] := stream[fn[sHead[s]], sMap[sTail[s], fn]]

sIntegers[] ~sMap~ Prime ~sTake~ 10 // sList
(* {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29} *)

sFilter selects elements from a stream that satisfy a given filter predicate:

sFilter[s_, pred_] :=
  NestWhile[sTail, s, (!sEmptyQ[#] && !pred[sHead[#]])&] /.
    stream[h_, t_] :> stream[h, sFilter[t, pred]]

sIntegers[] ~sFilter~ OddQ ~sTake~ 15 // sList
(* {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29} *)

We now have almost all of the pieces in place to address the original problem. All that is missing is a predicate that detects palindromic numbers:

palindromicQ[n_] := IntegerDigits[n] /. d_ :> d === Reverse[d]

palindromicQ[123] (* False *)
palindromicQ[121] (* True *)

Now, we can solve the problem:

sIntegers[] ~sMap~ Prime ~sFilter~ palindromicQ ~sTake~ 400 // sList

(* {2,3,5,7,11,101, ... ,3528253,3541453,3553553,3558553,3563653,3569653} *)

The stream facility we have defined here is very basic. It lacks error checking, and further consideration should be given to optimization. However, it demonstrates the power of Mathematica's symbolic programming paradigm.

The following listing gives the complete set of definitions:

SetAttributes[stream, {HoldAll, Protected}]

sEmptyError[] := (Message[stream::empty]; Abort[])
stream::empty = "Attempt to access beyond the end of a stream.";

ClearAll[sEmptyQ, sHead, sTail, sTake, sList, sMap, sFilter, sIntegers]

sEmptyQ[stream[]] := True
sEmptyQ[stream[_, _]] = False;

sHead[stream[]] := sEmptyError[]
sHead[stream[h_, _]] := h

sTail[stream[]] := sEmptyError[]
sTail[stream[_, t_]] := t

sTake[s_stream, 0] := stream[]
sTake[s_stream, n_] /; n > 0 :=
  With[{nn = n-1}, stream[sHead[s], sTake[sTail[s], nn]]]

sList[s_stream] :=
  , Reap[
      NestWhile[(Sow[sHead[#], tag]; sTail[#])&, s, !sEmptyQ[#]&]
    , tag
    ][[2]] /. {l_} :> l

sMap[stream[], _] := stream[]
sMap[s_stream, fn_] := stream[fn[sHead[s]], sMap[sTail[s], fn]]

sFilter[s_, pred_] :=
  NestWhile[sTail, s, (!sEmptyQ[#] && !pred[sHead[#]])&] /.
    stream[h_, t_] :> stream[h, sFilter[t, pred]]

sIntegers[n_:1] :=
  With[{nn = n+1}, stream[n, sIntegers[nn]]]

palindromicQ[n_] := IntegerDigits[n] /. d_ :> d === Reverse[d]

One way to get the lazy aspect is to use a closure, or the closest way for Mathematica to fake a closure.

This is the closures constructor:

makePalindromePrimeC[start_: 1] := Module[{p = Prime[start], r},
  ((r = NestWhile[NextPrime, p, 
       With[{d = IntegerDigits[#]}, d != Reverse[d]] &]); 
    p = NextPrime[r]; r) &]

This creates one:

palPrimeClosure = makePalindromePrimeC[]

Now you use it to generate some:

In[259]:= Table[palPrimeClosure[], {100}]

Out[259]= {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 101, 131, 151, 181, 191, 313, 353, 373, \
383, 727, 757, 787, 797, 919, 929, 10301, 10501, 10601, 11311, 11411, \
12421, 12721, 12821, 13331, 13831, 13931, 14341, 14741, 15451, 15551, \
16061, 16361, 16561, 16661, 17471, 17971, 18181, 18481, 19391, 19891, \
19991, 30103, 30203, 30403, 30703, 30803, 31013, 31513, 32323, 32423, \
33533, 34543, 34843, 35053, 35153, 35353, 35753, 36263, 36563, 37273, \
37573, 38083, 38183, 38783, 39293, 70207, 70507, 70607, 71317, 71917, \
72227, 72727, 73037, 73237, 73637, 74047, 74747, 75557, 76367, 76667, \
77377, 77477, 77977, 78487, 78787, 78887, 79397, 79697, 79997, 90709, \
91019, 93139, 93239, 93739, 94049}

Generate some more:

In[260]:= Table[palPrimeClosure[], {50}]

Out[260]= {94349, 94649, 94849, 94949, 95959, 96269, 96469, 96769, \
97379, 97579, 97879, 98389, 98689, 1003001, 1008001, 1022201, \
1028201, 1035301, 1043401, 1055501, 1062601, 1065601, 1074701, \
1082801, 1085801, 1092901, 1093901, 1114111, 1117111, 1120211, \
1123211, 1126211, 1129211, 1134311, 1145411, 1150511, 1153511, \
1160611, 1163611, 1175711, 1177711, 1178711, 1180811, 1183811, \
1186811, 1190911, 1193911, 1196911, 1201021, 1208021}

Now create an entirely independent instance that starts searching at the 500th prime:

In[261]:= palPrimeClosure500 = makePalindromePrimeC[500]

Out[261]= (r$10054 = 
   NestWhile[NextPrime, p$10054, 
    With[{d = IntegerDigits[#1]}, d != Reverse[d]] &]; 
  p$10054 = NextPrime[r$10054]; r$10054) &

In[262]:= Table[palPrimeClosure500[], {30}]

Out[262]= {10301, 10501, 10601, 11311, 11411, 12421, 12721, 12821, \
13331, 13831, 13931, 14341, 14741, 15451, 15551, 16061, 16361, 16561, \
16661, 17471, 17971, 18181, 18481, 19391, 19891, 19991, 30103, 30203, \
30403, 30703}

I took inspiration from WReach's work of art answer, and made a package that took his ideas and expanded them into a broad, general solution for lazy data in Mathematica. You can find my implemenation on github.

To use the package to answer the original question from this post, you'd do something like:

palindromicQ[n_] := IntegerDigits[n] /. d_ :> d === Reverse[d]

Lazy[Primes] ~Select~ palindromicQ ~Take~ 400 // List

It can also do things like triangular numbers (from Project Euler #12):

divisorsLength[n_] := Apply[Times, #[[2]] + 1 & /@ FactorInteger[n]];

triangles = FoldList[Plus, 0, Lazy[Integers]];
triangles ~Select~ (divisorsLength[#] > 500 &) // First

Or some of the even kookier Project Euler questions:

Rest[Lazy[Integers]]~Take~ 9999  ~Select~
  ((Total@Most@Divisors@Total@Most@Divisors[#] === #) &) ~Select~
  ((Total@Most@Divisors[#] =!= #) &) // Total