FullCalendar TypeError: $(...).fullCalendar is not a function

For anyone coming across this, there was only one solution working for me. I'm using webpack to compile my scripts and nothing was working for me, no matter what order I had require('fullcalendar') placed in my main.js file.

I had to downgrade to version 3.4.0. It instantly solved the problem.

npm install --save [email protected]

I've solved the problem simply changing order of my scripts. You must be set: moment.min.js after jquery.min.js look this:

<script src='/js/jquery.min.js'></script>
<script src='/js/moment.min.js'></script>
<script src='/js/fullcalendar.min.js'></script>

I also had same problem and it was because the HTML jQuery file was loading twice, hence it was giving me error.

I think you have problem with js try the below urls it may solve your problems,

<script src='http://fullcalendar.io/js/fullcalendar-2.1.1/lib/moment.min.js'></script>
<script src='http://fullcalendar.io/js/fullcalendar-2.1.1/lib/jquery.min.js'></script>
<script src="http://fullcalendar.io/js/fullcalendar-2.1.1/lib/jquery-ui.custom.min.js"></script>
<script src='http://fullcalendar.io/js/fullcalendar-2.1.1/fullcalendar.min.js'></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
            defaultDate: '2014-09-12',
            editable: true,
            eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events

If the above code works then download the js files used in script tag