From where do I reference a missing assembly (System.Net.Http.Formatting)?

I had the same problem. I used Microsoft Asp Net WebApi Client 4.0.20710 and it worked for me.

Type the following command into Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console:

Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client -Version 4.0.20710

Adding to what Luiz answered above.

System.Net.Http.Formatting is a library and is used for media type formatting. For example:

When referencing it, when I tried, I was looking to add a reference in my project and was looking in the Assemblies/Framework folder in Reference Manager.

It is actually in the Assemblies/Extensions folder in Reference Manager

If you got an error trying to install System.Net.Http.Formatting -Version 4.0.20710, try this one:

Install-Package WebApiDoodle.Net.Http.Formatting -Pre

I just found on NuGet: