from Crypto import Random -> ImportError: cannot import name Random

Looks like the Windows install has that package as crpyto, not Crypto. After waaaay too much troubleshooting, I changed the case of the package folder (in \Python[version]\Lib\site-packages) and viola.

You may have another Crypto module in your Python package. You can check that with

import Crypto
# should print /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Crypto/__init__.pyc

If you find another Crypto module, either rename/remove it or adjust sys.path

Also, your version of pycrypto may be outdated. Check Crypto.__version__ - Crypto.Random exists since 2.1.0alpha1.

You mentioned that you installed Crypto in

But, from your comments it seems that you also have Crypto installed in

Therefore you have two installations and the later is taking precedence because /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ appears first in sys.path.

I had the exact same problem and fixed it by renaming /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Crypto to something else EG Crypto_bak just so you can rollback if something goes wrong.