Friendly ID - undefined method `slug=' for

Basic point is that, if you're using the friendly ID gem, then you will need to add a slug column, to the relevant ActiveModel table.

Example: Add a slug to my Project model

Each Project has a name (attribute).

class Project < ApplicationRecord
      extend FriendlyId
      friendly_id :name, use: :slugged        

      validates :name, :state, presence: true

1. Run a migration to add a slug column

This can be done easily in rails:

 rails g migration AddSlugToProjects slug

2. Don't forget the index!:

Make sure you add in an index on the slug column:

class AddSlugToProjects < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    add_column :projects, :slug, :string
    add_index :projects, :slug

And now you're off to the races!

Richard Peck is correct that you have to add slug field.

But lot's of people got confused because FriendlyID generates friendly_id_slugs table which contains sluggable_id and sluggable_type field.

create_table "friendly_id_slugs", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string   "slug",                      null: false
t.integer  "sluggable_id",              null: false
t.string   "sluggable_type", limit: 50
t.string   "scope"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.index ["slug", "sluggable_type", "scope"], name: "index_friendly_id_slugs_on_slug_and_sluggable_type_and_scope", unique: true
t.index ["slug", "sluggable_type"], name: "index_friendly_id_slugs_on_slug_and_sluggable_type"
t.index ["sluggable_id"], name: "index_friendly_id_slugs_on_sluggable_id"
t.index ["sluggable_type"], name: "index_friendly_id_slugs_on_sluggable_type"

Basically it generates friendly_id_slugs table for History Module. Have a look at their documentation about History__Avoiding_404_s_When_Slugs_Change :

Now, I have introduced Friendly ID without slug column

I don't know exactly what you mean here, but simply, it's like trying to start a car without the key


The way FriendlyID works is to use a slug (or other identifier) column to both create the slugged URL, and find based off the slugged ID:

extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :name, use: [:slugged, :finders]

This allows the gem to find based off either the id or the slug attribute

If you miss out the slug column, this will prevent this from working, causing your error. The ways to fix this are:

  1. Use the slug column
  2. Create a slug attribute using attr_accessor

If you'd like to try the second option, you could try this:

attr_accessor :slug