Four line equality

Here is a command, \superequiv that seems to be what you want:


\newcommand\superequiv{\mathrel{\rlap{\raisebox{\fontdimen22\textfont2}{$=$}}\raisebox{-0.5\fontdimen22\textfont2}{$ = $}}}


    \[ A \superequiv B \]%


enter image description here

The symbol is classified in Unicode as U+2263 STRICTLY EQUIVALENT TO. The only math font providing it is, as far as I know, STIX.




\[{=\equiv\Equiv}\quad A \Equiv B_{\Equiv_{\Equiv}} \]


enter image description here

With other math fonts you have to emulate it. Using the same idea as Bernard, here is a possibility with Computer Modern


  \rlap{\raisebox{#3\fontdimen5#12}{$\m@th#2 = $}}%
  \raisebox{-#3\fontdimen5#12}{$\m@th#2 = $}%


\[{=\equiv\Equiv}\quad A \Equiv B_{\Equiv_{\Equiv}} \]


I'm afraid that, with other fonts, you have to tailor the parameter (the third argument to \Equiv@ in the code above).

enter image description here

The symbol is \Equiv in unicode-math, and all or nearly all OpenType math fonts include it.

In PDFTeX, the \Equiv symbol is in the stix and stix2 packages.

