Forward naked domain with URL path for my Google Domain

It took me a while, but I figured this one out. It's a 2 step process (maybe there are other ways to do it, but this works for AWS, too):

1) Use a CNAME record to set your to forward to the true hostname.

2) To configure the naked domain, add a "Synthetic Record", and set up a "Subdomain Forward." In the subdomain text box, enter the @ sign and nothing else.

3) Select option to 'Forward path'. That should do exactly what you want.

Subdomain forwarding has a "Forward path" option now.

As of right now, this is not possible, but Google Domains has a 5-day return policy, and once returned the domain becomes immediately available to be bought again from other registrars.

If this is a critical need, the domain can be returned and bought back from GoDaddy which does offer naked domain forwarding.