Formula field is not Working as expected

Assuming your formula was copied directly from, the problem has to do with "Smart Quotes." Salesforce formulas don't recognize and as actual quotation marks. Try using the following:

BEGINS(WhatId, "006"), "Opportunity",

BEGINS(WhatId, "001"), "Account",

BEGINS(WhoId, "00Q"), "Lead",

BEGINS(WhoId, "003"), "Contact",""))))

Coincidentally, you could shorten your formula:

CASE(LEFT(WhatId, 3), "006", "Opportunity", "001", "Account",
CASE(LEFT(WhoId, 3), "00Q", "Lead", "003", "Contact", ""))

Honestly, I think you're better off writing a before trigger. The obvious advantage of the below strategy is that it scales to all objects you can use for these polymorphic lookups. I did check that you can't use What.Type or Who.Type in a formula.

For the Apex approach, you just need to call (using the handler pattern of your choice):

public static void updateWhatType(List<Task> records)
    for (Task record : records) record.WhatType__c = getType(record.WhatId);
public static void updateWhoType(List<Task> records)
    for (Task record : records) record.WhoType__c = getType(record.WhoId);
public static String getType(Id value)
    return (value == null) ? null : String.valueOf(record.WhatId.getSObjectType());