Formatting table with siunitx: problem with parentheses and signs

It is the option input-symbols = {()} that causes the “misplaced sign token" error.

However, I recommend not to set parse-numbers = false to work around this issue because it disables siunitx’s rounding and digit-grouping features, and it changes the appearance of the asterisk (as you can see from esdd’s screenshots above).

Instead, you should do without including the parentheses in the input-symbol list. Here’s my suggestion:


    round-integer-to-decimal = true,
    group-digits             = true,
    group-minimum-digits     = 4,
    group-separator          = {\,},
    table-align-text-pre     = false,
    table-align-text-post    = false,
    input-signs              = + -,
    input-symbols            = {*} {**} {***},
    input-open-uncertainty   = ,
    input-close-uncertainty  = ,


     S[table-format=+1.5, table-space-text-pre={**}, table-space-text-post={-**}]
     S[table-format=-4.3, table-space-text-pre={**}, table-space-text-post={-**}]
                & {Proportion taken} & {Decision category} \\
    Coefficient & -0.116**           &    0.711**          \\
    $t$-test    & (-0.23094)         & (3223.3)            \\


This compiles into the following:

LaTeX example table using siunitx

\sisetup{parse-numbers=false} turns off the number parser inside the table environment. Then the numbers will be printed in math mode 'as given'.

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb,mathrsfs}  
input-symbols = {()},
group-digits  = false,

\begin{tabular}{l S S}
  &\multicolumn{1}{c}{Proportion taken}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Decision category}\\
  Coefficient   &      -0.116** &      0.711** \\
  t-test & (-0.23094) & (3223.3)\\


enter image description here


