Force Exclude files from PHPUnit Code Coverage

The correct way to exclude certain files from the coverage report in more or less recent versions of PHPUnit is to use <exclude> directive instead of <blacklist>. E.g.:

      <directory suffix=".php">src/</directory>
           <directory suffix=".php">src/Legacy/</directory>

For more recent PHPUnit using newest schema this will be:

      <directory suffix=".php">src/</directory>
      <directory suffix=".php">src/Legacy/</directory>

Ok, so I thought that you can have either the blacklist section OR the whitelist section, turns out you can have both, so I blacklisted those folders and it worked:


Observation: whitelisting (the directories you want to be included in the code coverage) makes the phpunit execution of the entire test suite quicker, compared to blacklisting.


Tested with: PHPUnit 4.5.0 and PHP 5.5.9