For loop over dictionary in Robot Framework

Another workaround is to use the keyword "Get From Dictionary" during the for loop.

Loop through and Log key and value in dict
    [Documentation]    Loops through each key and stores the key value 
    ...                in a variable that can be used during the for 
    ...                loop, as if you were iterating through python 
    ...                with "for key, value in dict.iteritems()".
    &{mydict}    Create Dictionary    a=1    b=2
    :FOR    ${key}    IN    @{mydict.keys()}
    \    ${value}=    Get From Dictionary    ${mydict}    ${key}
    \    Log    ${key}, ${value}


Loop Through Dict
    &{mydict}    Create Dictionary    a=1    b=2
    :FOR    ${key}    IN    @{mydict.keys()}
    \    Log    ${mydict["${key}"]}

Loop Through Dict And Multiplicate Values
    &{mydict}    Create Dictionary    a=1    b=2
    :FOR    ${key}    IN    @{mydict.keys()}
    \    ${new_value}    Evaluate    ${mydict["${key}"]}*2
    \    Set To Dictionary   ${mydict}    ${key}=${new_value}
    Log    ${mydict}

To iterate over a dictionary's keys, you don't have to use any python method at all, but insted use the Robotframework's @ modifier for list expansion. For example:

${mydict}    Create Dictionary    a=1    b=2
:FOR    ${key}    IN    @{mydict}
\    Log     The current key is: ${key}
# there are at least to ways to get the value for that key
# "Extended variable syntax", e.g. direct access:
\    Log     The value is: ${mydict['${key}']}
# or using a keyword from the Collections library:
\    ${value}=    Get From Dictionary    ${mydict}    ${key}
\    Log     The value through Collections is: ${value}

The loop over the keys works straightaway, because in python a list() cast of a dictionary is actually the list of its keys. Sample code:

mydict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
# the output is 
# ['a', 'b']

There is a python's dict method items() that iterates over the dictionary and returns a tuple of key, value. Regretfully, there is no direct substitute in Robot Framework's for loops, yet - this can be done with the Get Dictionary Items keyword. It returns a one-dimensional list, in the form

['key1', value_of_key1, 'key2', value_of_key2,]

Combining that with the @ list expansion, you can get both the key and the value in each cycle:

${mydict}    Create Dictionary      a=1    b=2
${items}     Get Dictionary Items   ${mydict}

:FOR    ${key}    ${value}    IN    @{items}
\    Log     The current key is: ${key}
\    Log     The value is: ${value}