font or tikz to draw tally counting symbols (///)

Something like this?

\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Y using {int(mod(\X,5))}]in {1,...,#2}
\draw (\X*0.5ex+0.3ex,0) -- ++(-2.8ex,2ex);
\draw (\X*0.5ex+0.3ex,0) -- ++(-0.3ex,2ex);
abc \TCS{3}\ def \TCS{7}

enter image description here

Or slanted to the right.

\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Y using {int(mod(\X,5))}]in {1,...,#2}
\draw (\X*0.5ex+0.3ex,0) -- ++(-2.2ex,1.8ex);
\draw (\X*0.5ex+0.3ex,0) -- ++(0.3ex,1.8ex);
abc \TCS{3}\ def \TCS{7}

enter image description here

A different approach with bullcntr, that shows 'unusual' tally symbols: bullets!

But the number of symbols is limited to 9, so the symbols repeat.





\foreach \x in {1,...,200} {
  \typeout{Current: \x and \y}


enter image description here

Using a macro and cancel package to definite a cut symbol. With mskip-4mu you can decrease or increase the space between the \slashs.

enter image description here

\[\slash, \quad \slash\slash, \quad \slash\slash\slash, \quad \bcancel{\thbacks}\]