Flutter Reflection with Reflectable: working example needed

Maybe the only missing bit is to do

flutter packages pub run build_runner build entry_point/main.dart

or add a build.yaml file along the lines of

targets: test_reflectable: builders: reflectable: generate_for: - entry_point/main.dart

Edit: Here's an example repo which may serve as a very simplistic starting point for reflectable in Flutter.

Edit 2: There is a whitelist of locations where pub supports entry points ("Dart programs"), and entry_point is not on that list. Try using a directory which is present in the whitelist.

First, make sure you have these both packages added in pubspec.yaml

    sdk: flutter
  build_runner: any  
  built_value_generator: any

if only build_runner is added. it won't be going to generate anything and end up with success.

also, check your main.dart

//reflectable impoort statement should be like this 
import 'main.reflectable.dart' show initializeReflectable;

void main(){

 // initialize Reflectable in main



Now try to build with the command

flutter packages pub run build_runner build DIR

if it's working then you are damn lucky.

Now let's add a build.yaml file manually (same directory of pubspec.yaml)

          - lib/main.dart

Now try command

flutter packages pub run build_runner build DIR