Flutter Outline View - "Nothing to show"

Edit: the below was the solution for the time. It seems this started to happen again recently and the solution is different. Please check the highly voted answer below for this. https://stackoverflow.com/a/61165205/679553

As I can tell from the Gitter chat, you are under the alpha channel, because you probably installed Flutter SDK through the IntelliJ plugin (this is a bug).

Open a terminal/command window and type flutter channel. You'll see that you are in the alpha channel, which is actually abandoned. You need to be in the dev channel, but for some reason switching from alpha to dev does not work. Do this:

flutter channel master
flutter doctor
flutter channel dev
flutter doctor
flutter channel

This should tell you that you are in dev channel. Now restart IntelliJ and try again.

If it still won't work, maybe you are on Windows like me? I filed a bug report about that.

enter image description here

From my experience, hold Ctrl/Command and click on that widget to activate your FLutter Outline.

Click to red restart dart analysis server button. It works for me.

enter image description here