Flutter: How to fix "A RenderFlex overflowed by pixels " error?

try to use Expanded instead of Container in _buildImageBoxes() function

  Widget _buildImageBoxes() {
    return Column(
      children: <Widget>[
          child: Image.network("https://picsum.photos/500/500/?random"),
          padding: EdgeInsets.all(10),
          child: Text("Text"),

Expanded → Calculated Space

Expanded or Flexible widgets in Column or Row will make Flutter calculate remaining space & use that space for layout.

Widgets not in Expanded or Flexible are laid out regardless of screen/constraint space.

Why / How this works

Column and Row are laid out in two main phases:

  1. non-Flexible items
  2. Flexible items (Expanded and Flexible widgets)

Phase 1

Flutter does Phase 1 without screen size or any other constraint in mind.

Flutter just adds all non-flex-factor item sizes together.

Sum too big for screen or other constraint? → RenderFlex overflowed exception.

Phase 2

Widgets with flex constructor argument are flex-factor items.

i.e. Flexible or Expanded widgets. (Spacer too, but no one uses it.)

After Phase 1, any flex-factor widgets are laid out with remaining space in mind.

Key difference between non-flexible and flex-factor layout phases:

  • non-flex layout → regardless of space
  • flex-factor layout → uses remaining space

Inside Column or Row, wrapping widgets in Expanded or Flexible, Flutter will calculate remaining space for their layout. This would prevent a RenderFlex overflowed exception in the question since each Image widget will size itself to space constraints.

But during Phase 1, there are no space constraints. So the Images aren't resized (and overflow).

Children widgets inside Column or Row not wrapped in Expanded or Flexible will be laid out at their intrinsic size, regardless of screen/constraint space.


Space 400
    Image 150
    Image 150
    Image 150

Sum non-flex Images: 450. Space available: 400 → Overflowed

Solution: use Phase 2 → use calculated space


Wrapping Image in flex widget Expanded, height available is calculated then shared among Expanded (as constraints) and Image is resized to fit inside Expanded constraints:

Space 400
    Expanded 133
      → Image ←
    Expanded 133
      → Image ←
    Expanded 133
      → Image ←

Sum flex Expandeds: 399. Space: 400 → OK

Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    final _screenSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size;

    return Container(
      height: _screenSize.height * 0.2,);

MediaQuery.of(context) It worked for me to use!