Flutter: Error: Getter not found: 'suspending'. case AppLifecycleState.suspending

I had the same issue.

Please have a look at the changelog of the native_device_orientation package:

"Breaking change to support the fact that AppLifecycleState.suspended has changed to AppLifecycleState.detached."

One of your packages may depends on this library. Here you can find a list of the packages https://pub.dev/packages?q=dependency%3Anative_device_orientation.

For me it was qr_mobile_vision.

To make the answer slightly more broader in scope than the one already submitted by @x23b5, it is indeed caused by this PR into the flutter master channel on Nov 4th.

The PR updated the enum: AppLifecycleState.suspending to AppLifecycleState.detached.

You may be using a dependency in one of your plugins that relies on this enum such as one of these - in which case your debug error message will point you towards that plugin - then simply visit its github repo and see if the author has issued a patch. If not, feel free to edit that single line and submit a PR for them.

If on the other hand you've manually written code (like my case) that leveraged AppLifecycleState, search your code for it and manually update suspending to detached and restart flutter.