Flutter disable system debug messages in Run Tab

In Android Studio:

  • select text you want to ignore in the console
  • Right-click it
  • Fold lines like this

    Android Studio Flutter Console folding

In Android Studio....


enter image description here


File > Settings > Editor > General > Console

Look for section:

Fold console lines that contain

Click the + button on right hand side of scrollable list

Add your substring of what you'd like hidden from the Console output. enter image description here For example in Flutter, I'd remove D/ (i.e. letter D + forward slash) which are emulator debug messages.


enter image description here

I Finally found a Workaround For VS code this is NOT permanent so you have to do it once per session but it helps a lot ...

there is a hidden feature in vs code for debug log filtering and all you need to do is to filter the log to have only the flutter related logs as follows :

1) focus on debug console (by clicking on it )

2) click ctrl + f (nothing will appear but you are now in filtering mode)

3) Type "I/Flutter"

4) hover on the word and click the icon next to it to make it stick .

Vscode debug console filtering for flutter

that's it !

Before :

enter image description here


enter image description here