Flow layout with centered content

Well there is no built-in way but I found a workaround to do it.

The idea is simple, since Flow is already an Item it has anchors.leftMargin and anchors.rightMargin. So if we can calculate, how many elements is inside the row of theFlow then we are able to calculate the left and right margins. So we can center in.

Here it is a simple code,

        Flow {
        property int rowCount: parent.width / (elements.itemAt(0).width + spacing)
        property int rowWidth: rowCount * elements.itemAt(0).width + (rowCount - 1) * spacing
        property int mar: (parent.width - rowWidth) / 2

        anchors {
            fill: parent
            leftMargin: mar
            rightMargin: mar

        spacing: 6
        Repeater {
            id: elements
            model: 5
            Rectangle {
                color: "#aa6666"
                width: 100; height: 100



