Flex: Determine if a component is showing

... or avoiding recursion:

public static function isVisible(obj:DisplayObject):Boolean
    while (obj && obj.visible && obj !== Application.application)
        obj = obj.parent;
    return obj && obj.visible;

You want to check if the component property visible is true and this is for all the parents of your component in the DisplayList, am I correct?

public static function isVisible(c : UIComponent) : Boolean {
    if (c == null) return false;
    if (c is Application) return c.visible;
    return c.visible && isVisible(c.parent);

UIComponent.visible is not necessarily valid for children of an object where visible=false. From the docs:

"In either case the children of the object will not emit a show or hide event unless the object has specifically written an implementation to do so."

I wrote a sample application that confirms this to be true. What you can do is walk up the display list checking for visible to be false on a parent. Basically "visible" gives false positives but shouldn't give false negatives. Here is a quick utility I put together:

    import flash.display.DisplayObject;

    import mx.core.Application;

    public class VisibilityUtils
        public static function isDisplayObjectVisible(obj : DisplayObject) : Boolean {
            if (!obj.visible) return false;
            return checkDisplayObjectVisible(obj);

        private static function checkDisplayObjectVisible(obj : DisplayObject) : Boolean {
            if (!obj.parent.visible) return false;
            if (obj.parent != null && !(obj.parent is Application))
                return checkDisplayObjectVisible(obj.parent);
                return true;

I haven't done anything more than trivial tests on this but it should get you started.