Flaw in encryption through pseudorandom number stream (from PGP documentation)

A PRNG being "good" (having strong statistical randomness guarantees, say, plus having a long period) says nothing about its security. See e.g. discussion in this thread.

The thread discusses the difference between:

  • one time pads (unbreakable in principle as long as they are neither leaked nor re-used, but usually impractical)
  • stream ciphers (which can be made as secure as necessary, and can be quite practical)
  • PRNGs (that weren't designed to be cryptographically secure) used as stream ciphers (typically easily broken)

What Phil should have used was a stream cipher not just any old PRNG. MT (and earlier PRNGs) are not suitable for use as a stream cipher. Salsa20/ChaCha (by Dan Bernstein) and ISAAC are two specific stream ciphers. ISAAC is used by shred. Salsa20 is part of the EU eSTREAM/ECRYPT programme. Of course, Phil can be forgiven for not using a stream cipher: RC4 (which is considered broken -- its weakness are part of what makes WEP insecure -- but which is the basis for ISAAC) was only invented in 1987.

The cryptographic weaknesses of normal PRNGs (including MT and Wichmann-Hill) has lead to vulnerabilities in e.g. TCP sequence number attacks. Those vulnerabilities are sometimes addressed using a different sort of CSPRNG, which gathers entropy "as it goes" (e.g. from mouse/timing jitter). To be suitable for use as a stream cipher, a CSPRNGs must have all the input entropy available at the start, rather than gathering it as it goes. See the wikipedia pages on CSPRNGs and on /dev/[u]random.

I have no idea what the method Phil Zimmerman originally used for his encryption, so I can't really say anything about that.

However, Mersenne-Twister can be made in to a "secure" stream cipher, for example CryptMT. CryptMT was was subsequently broken, though: Distinguishing Attack on CryptMT. Reading that paper probably gives a pretty good idea on how to attack Mersenne-Twister and its ilk.

Actually, I did some more investigation. First of all, the paper I quoted has been subsequently redacted by the authors, see discussion here, and it was against CryptMTv1, not CryptMTv3 that is the current version. There are no known attacks against CryptMTv3. The closest to an attack I've found is On the Security of Stream Cipher CryptMT v3, which explicitly says:

However, we have not found any non-randomness about the keystream output.

Also, the eSTREAM final report for CryptMT says:

CryptMT v3. The cipher CryptMT has a very unusual design which delivers very reasonable performance. While there have been no negative cryptanalytic results against the cipher in the last phase of eSTREAM, we are somewhat concerned that the security of the cipher, in particular the non-linear filter component, might not yet be as well-understood as some of the other finalists. We anticipate that elements of CryptMT will continue to be of interest to the cryptographic community, and we hope that the full advantages of the approach embodied in CryptMT v3 can be evaluated. However, we are currently not sufficiently confident in the design and security of this algorithm for us to include it in the final portfolio.

Hardly a negative merit!

Also, looking at the "very reasonable performance" mentioned above at eBASH, it seems that CryptMTv3 offers amazing performance for long messages (for example, 1.82 cycles per byte for long messages), often only bested by Salsa20/8, where as Salsa20/8 has already been broken (barely, and Salsa20/12 is still very secure).

So I would say CryptMT is definitely a contender in stream ciphers even if it hasn't been analyzed enough yet!