Flattening deeply nested array of objects

You could make a recursive function that looks through each account, and if it has children calls itself on the children, the function should return a flattened array of accounts.

This example is a bit more complicated than it has to be because I am assuming that order matters and that the parent should be before the children.

function flattenAccounts(accounts){
  var a = [];
  for(var i=0;i<accounts.length;i++){
    var o = accounts[i];
      var c = flattenAccounts(o.children);
          a = a.concat(c);
  return a;

This is a simpler example but the children would end up before the parent.

function flattenAccounts(accounts){
  var a = [];
  for(var i=0;i<accounts.length;i++){
      a = a.concat(flattenAccounts(accounts[i].children) )
  return a;

try to understand this version, with it's benefits and implications

function flatten(into, node){
    if(node == null) return into;
    if(Array.isArray(node)) return node.reduce(flatten, into);
    return flatten(into, node.children);

var out = flatten([], yourArray);

the argument order might be confusing at first, unless you are used to reduced, or the concept of options first, data last, wich is very handy when it comes to FP and currying or partial application.

Just iterate over and if a children is found get the array from the children concatinated.

function flat(array) {
    var result = [];
    array.forEach(function (a) {
        if (Array.isArray(a.children)) {
            result = result.concat(flat(a.children));
    return result;

var data = [{ id: "acc.1260446672222.11", type: "EXPENSES_FOLDER", name: "Expense Group", balance: 3418.11, children: [{ id: "acc.1260446672238.27", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Advertising, Promotion and Entertainment Account", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.9a2492ba-0d82-4f4a-a1b4-14868f1e1a39", type: "EXPENSES_FOLDER", name: "Premises Costs", balance: 0, children: [{ id: "acc.287ba5b6-5536-428b-950f-d71d2af73ccc", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Use of Home - Gas", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.7091ee15-3f02-4bd1-94e5-5918cf986969", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Hire of Venue, Studios, Teaching Rooms", balance: 0, children: [] }] }, { id: "acc.827ec446-edeb-4f2b-8032-d306292d2d83", type: "EXPENSES_FOLDER", name: "Administrative Expenses", balance: 558.61, children: [{ id: "acc.0ed5fc81-7734-4452-86a9-db22a6b0f8e8", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Bank Charges", balance: 15, children: [] }, { id: "acc.e2cdb2c0-8565-4991-a35a-d4596b0ddf45", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Software & Computer Peripherals", balance: 417.13, children: [] }, { id: "acc.96d5d00e-43f4-4d3a-b97b-fdf258c65514", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Printing, photocopying etc", balance: 55.93, children: [] }, { id: "acc.494dd64a-4fb3-42b8-be3e-8f3b59a2ef59", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Artists Administration Service", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1260446672238.35", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Stationery", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.96d89d0d-5465-488b-b37f-d41ca114c5e6", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Mobile Telephone", balance: 41.19, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1260446672238.33", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Home Telephone", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1260446672238.38", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Postage/delivery", balance: 29.36, children: [] }] }, { id: "acc.b9c9bbc7-43df-472e-9ac8-c7c76f08f49a", type: "EXPENSES_FOLDER", name: "Instruments, Equipment Maintenance etc", balance: 1002.48, children: [{ id: "acc.1260446672238.32", type: "OTHER_EXPENSES", name: "Instrument Insurance", balance: 157.48, children: [] }, { id: "acc.2a1cca15-2868-4770-a3e7-d43a6268c6a1", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Instrument Repairs & Maintenance", balance: 845, children: [] }, { id: "acc.a908aee0-84fb-450a-916b-4cec25265aef", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Accessories & Replacement Parts", balance: 0, children: [] }] }, { id: "acc.a42cdd86-0d9e-4f3f-af0d-7c4525374731", type: "EXPENSES_FOLDER", name: "Motor Vehicle", balance: 0, children: [{ id: "acc.cb325e7e-0ce4-4c78-9cb4-20659df733a6", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Fuel and Oil", balance: 0, children: [] }] }, { id: "acc.4bdd9e26-ce64-4e7f-b46a-82ec9de06ded", type: "EXPENSES_FOLDER", name: "Other Travel", balance: 132.1, children: [{ id: "acc.77dd2142-f2de-4a2c-9247-061d0661bc0a", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Taxis", balance: 24.5, children: [] }, { id: "acc.2b54abdd-7ef5-43cd-bdb9-c8c981b59ff2", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Public Transport", balance: 107.6, children: [] }] }, { id: "acc.e4695b70-31fa-4e23-afd0-97335dcd5b9e", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Subsitence", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.02d222bf-4dff-4308-afe9-69b93f412ada", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Hotel and Accomodation", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.d61cd5b4-2c80-4ab8-93d0-9d5726bd253b", type: "EXPENSES_FOLDER", name: "Fees and Commission Paid", balance: 0, children: [{ id: "acc.1262189019758.7", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Pupils exam entry fees", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.a7d7efd3-d0da-4704-babb-079b6077f3fe", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Audition, competition entry fees", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.3b91ee4e-40a8-46d8-aa05-3afa5974b3ef", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Deputies, Other Musicians", balance: 0, children: [] }] }, { id: "acc.250d6872-6023-4599-a0b6-b7159eebbfa1", type: "EXPENSES_FOLDER", name: "Other Professional Expenses", balance: 1739.42, children: [{ id: "acc.b7315228-f85a-4ffb-9199-d1128a409e5f", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Promotion & Publicity", balance: 138.6, children: [] }, { id: "acc.69ca2005-d7a0-448b-b70c-dafb128a48ae", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Other Expenses", balance: 364.5, children: [] }, { id: "acc.dcd999d2-4e18-41be-b9cc-218d4034b88e", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Office Equipment, Furniture", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.e0460706-d5c9-4c40-9d1e-0d2058864b92", type: "EXPENSE", name: "CDs, Dowloads etc", balance: 67.57, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1866df79-9e44-459a-a978-727904987469", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Professional Books, Magazines", balance: 104.01, children: [] }, { id: "acc.24c1651d-e7ae-48bc-a32d-311427e0fcea", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Professional Associations", balance: 272.17, children: [] }, { id: "acc.289ab0ac-b9d3-435e-ac82-9da9702b7d4b", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Tuition", balance: 470, children: [] }, { id: "acc.f24cf99b-6291-4b9f-821e-425f4909d4e1", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Scores, Manuscript Paper etc", balance: 215.32, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1af95953-56f0-455e-9d0a-7c4e0477cf0d", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Performance Clothing", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.c0585577-535a-4ae2-a02b-e5b249f67c67", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Concerts, Shows etc", balance: 107.25, children: [] }] }, { id: "acc.1260446672222.24", type: "ADMIN", name: "Administrative Expenses", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1260446672238.26", type: "TRAVEL", name: "Travel and Subsistence Account", balance: -14.5, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1260446672238.28", type: "LEGAL", name: "Legal and Professional Costs Account", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1260446672238.36", type: "OTHER_EXPENSES", name: "Rent/Rates", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1262191376548.37", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Research", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1262191388329.38", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Professional Development", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1262192291558.52", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Professional Presentation", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1262193596634.72", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Subscriptions", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1262265941130.16", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Piano accompaniment", balance: 0, children: [] }, { id: "acc.1267370824329.1", type: "EXPENSE", name: "Cost of Sales", balance: 0, children: [] }] }],
    result = flat(data);

document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, 0, 4) + '</pre>');