Flask-Restful error: "as_view" method not inherited

I had this same issue. For me it was an import error.

I had the following file structure:


In app.py, I had the following code:

from resources import SomeResource
# ...
api.add_resource(SomeResource, '/someresource')
# ...

The error was due to the import line. It should have been:

from resources.SomeResource import SomeResource

After scanning the code I found that the Resource class inherits from the MethodView class of Flask. Well, finally I managed to get the as_view method by inheriting directly from the MethodView class instead of the Resource class. This is:

from app import api, db
from flask.ext.restful import abort
from flask.views import MethodView
from models import *

class UserAPI(MethodView):

     def get(self, user_id):
         user = User.query.filter(User.id == user_id)[0]
         if user is None:
             abort(404, message="User {} doesn't exist".format(user_id))
             return {'user' : user}, 201

api.add_resource(UserAPI, '/api/v0.1/users/<int:user_id>', endpoint = 'user')

I hope someone finds this helpful.

I had the same issue, but it was due to duplicate view name in regular flask views and rest-full Resource views.

For example in routes.py

@products.route('/api/products', methods=['GET'])
def items():
    "some code here"

In Rest-full apis.py

class Items(Resource):
    def get(self):
        "Some code here"

api.add_resource(Items, '/hello')

When i changed one of the name of view then its working fine for me.