Flask Login and Principal - current_user is Anonymous even though I'm logged in

I encountered the same problem! The root cause is that both Flask-Login and Flask-Principal are invoked by Flask during the "preprocess" stage of the request in the order that they were registered with your Flask app. If you register Flask-Principal before you register Flask-Login, then @identity_loaded.connect_via(app) will be called before @login_manager.user_loader, and therefore current_user will return the anonymous user.

The Flask-Principal documentation example shows a code excerpt where Flask-Principal is registered before Flask-Login. Tsk tsk! Here's what I ended up doing in my bootstrap:

login_manager = LoginManager()

# ...

principals = Principal(app) # This must be initialized after login_manager.

Then in my users.py view file:

def on_identity_loaded(sender, identity):
    """ This function is called by Flask-Principal after a user logs in. """

    identity.user = current_user

    if isinstance(current_user, User):

    for permission in user.permissions:
        # Do permission-y stuff here.

This solved the problem for me.

Edit: I submitted a bug report to the project for the documentation.