Fit sum of exponentials

A direct method of fitting (no initial guess, no iteration) for the function : $$y(x)=a+be^{px}+ce^{qx}$$ is summarized below (parameters to be computed : $a,b,c,p,q$ ). It works as well in case of negative $p, q$ : enter image description here

Instead of minimizing the absolute deviations, the variant below minimizes the relatives deviations :

enter image description here

The theory of this method is given in the paper : (in French).

The method for the function $$y(x)=a+be^{px}+ce^{qx}+de^{rx}$$ is also available, but not published yet. Contact the author if interrested.

In response to questions raised in comments about the three exponents case, the method of regression based on integral equation is roughly explain below, with a numerical example.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Here is are implementations of the two and three exponent cases, from Jean Jacquelin's work.


Implementation of two and three exponent cases from Jean Jacquelin's

__author__    = "M Nelson"
__date__      = "January 19, 2020"
__version__   = "0.1"

import sys
import argparse

import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
from scipy.linalg import lstsq
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

def biexpfit( xdata, ydata, debug=False ):

    x = np.array(xdata)
    y = np.array(ydata)
    if debug:
        print( 'x', x )
        print( 'y', y )

    S = np.empty_like(y)
    S[0] = 0
    S[1:] = np.cumsum(0.5 * (y[1:] + y[:-1]) * np.diff(x))
    if debug:
        print('S', S )

    SS = np.empty_like(y)
    SS[0] = 0
    SS[1:] = np.cumsum(0.5 * (S[1:] + S[:-1]) * np.diff(x))
    if debug:
        print('SS', SS )

    x2 = x * x
    x3 = x2 * x
    x4 = x2 * x2

    M = [ [sum(SS*SS),  sum(SS*S), sum( SS*x2 ), sum(SS*x), sum(SS)],
          [sum(SS*S),   sum(S*S),  sum(S*x2),    sum(S*x), sum(S) ],
          [sum(SS*x2),  sum(S*x2), sum(x4),      sum(x3),  sum(x2) ],
          [sum(SS*x),   sum(S*x),  sum(x3),      sum(x2),  sum(x) ],
          [sum(SS),     sum(S),    sum(x2),      sum(x),   len(xdata) ] ]

    if debug:
        print( 'M' )
        for n in range(5):
            print( M[n] )

    Ycol = np.array( [ sum(SS*y), sum(S*y), sum(x2*y), sum(x*y), sum(y) ] )

    (A,B,C,D,E),residues,rank,singulars = list( lstsq( M, Ycol ) )
    if debug:
        print( 'A-E', A, B, C, D, E )

    Minv = np.linalg.inv(M)    
    A,B,C,D,E = list( np.matmul(Minv,Ycol) )

    p = (1/2.)*(B + sqrt(B*B+4*A))
    q = (1/2.)*(B - sqrt(B*B+4*A))
    if debug:
        print( 'p,q', p, q )

    beta = np.exp(p*x)
    eta = np.exp(q*x)

    betaeta = beta * eta

    L = [ [ len(xdata), sum(beta), sum(eta) ],
          [ sum(beta),  sum(beta*beta), sum(betaeta) ],
          [ sum(eta),   sum(betaeta), sum(eta*eta)] ]

    Ycol = np.array( [ sum(y), sum(beta*y), sum(eta*y) ] )

    (a,b,c),residues,rank,singulars = list( lstsq( L, Ycol ) )    
    if debug:
        print( 'a,b,c', a,b,c )

    Linv = np.linalg.inv(L)
    a,b,c = list( np.matmul( Linv, Ycol ) )

    # sort in ascending order (fastest negative rate first)
    (b,p),(c,q) = sorted( [[b,p],[c,q]], key=lambda x: x[1])

    return a,b,c,p,q

def triexpfit( xdata, ydata, debug=False ):

    x = np.array(xdata)
    y = np.array(ydata)
    if debug:
        print( 'x', x )
        print( 'y', y )

    S = np.empty_like(y)
    S[0] = 0
    S[1:] = np.cumsum(0.5 * (y[1:] + y[:-1]) * np.diff(x))
    if debug:
        print('S', S )

    SS = np.empty_like(y)
    SS[0] = 0
    SS[1:] = np.cumsum(0.5 * (S[1:] + S[:-1]) * np.diff(x))
    if debug:
        print('SS', SS )

    SSS = np.empty_like(y)
    SSS[0] = 0
    SSS[1:] = np.cumsum(0.5 * (SS[1:] + SS[:-1]) * np.diff(x))
    if debug:
        print('SSS', SSS )

    x2 = x * x
    x3 = x2 * x
    x4 = x3 * x
    x5 = x4 * x
    x6 = x5 * x

    M = [ [ sum(SSS*SSS), sum(SSS*SS), sum(SSS*S), sum(SSS*x3), sum(SSS*x2), sum(SSS*x), sum(SSS) ],
          [ sum(SSS*SS), sum(SS*SS), sum(SS*S), sum(SS*x3), sum(SS*x2), sum(SS*x), sum(SS) ],
          [ sum(SSS*S), sum(SS*S), sum(S*S), sum(S*x3), sum(S*x2), sum(S*x), sum(S) ],
          [ sum(SSS*x3), sum(SS*x3), sum(S*x3), sum(x6), sum(x5), sum(x4), sum(x3) ],
          [ sum(SSS*x2), sum(SS*x2), sum(S*x2), sum(x5), sum(x4), sum(x3), sum(x2) ],
          [ sum(SSS*x), sum(SS*x), sum(S*x), sum(x4), sum(x3), sum(x2), sum(x) ],
          [ sum(SSS), sum(SS), sum(S), sum(x3), sum(x2), sum(x), len(xdata) ] ]

    if debug:
        print( 'M' )
        for n in range(7):
            print( M[n] )

    Ycol = [ sum(y*SSS), sum(y*SS), sum(y*S), sum(y*x3), sum(y*x2), sum(y*x), sum(y) ]

    if debug:
        print( 'Y', Ycol )

    Minv = np.linalg.inv(M)
    A,B,C,D,E,F,G = list( np.matmul( Minv, Ycol ) )
    print( 'A-G linalg', A, B, C, D, E, F, G )

    (A,B,C,D,E,F,G),residues,rank,singulars = list( lstsq( M, Ycol ) )
    if debug:
        print( 'A-G', A, B, C, D, E, F, G )

    p,q,r = np.roots( [1.,-C,-B,-A] )
    p,q,r = sorted( [p,q,r] )
    if debug:
        print( 'p,q,r', p, q, r )

    L = [ [ len(xdata), sum(np.exp(p*x)),sum(np.exp(q*x)),sum(np.exp(r*x)) ],
          [ sum(np.exp(p*x)), sum(np.exp(2*p*x)),sum(np.exp((p+q)*x)),sum(np.exp((p+r)*x)) ],
          [ sum(np.exp(q*x)), sum(np.exp((p+q)*x)),sum(np.exp(2*q*x)),sum(np.exp((q+r)*x)) ],
          [ sum(np.exp(r*x)), sum(np.exp((p+r)*x)),sum(np.exp((q+r)*x)),sum(np.exp(2*r*x)) ] ]

    Ycol = [ sum(y), sum(y*np.exp(p*x)),sum(y*np.exp(q*x)),sum(y*np.exp(r*x)) ]

    (a,b,c,d),residues,rank,singulars = list( lstsq( L, Ycol ) )
    if debug:
        print( 'a,b,c,d', a,b,c,d )

    # sort in ascending order (fastest negative rate first)
    (b,p),(c,q),(d,r) = sorted( [[b,p],[c,q],[d,r]], key=lambda x: x[1])

    return a,b,c,d, p,q,r

def __regression_tests__(debug=False):

    x = np.linspace( 0, 2., 100 )

    a, b = 1., 2.
    p = -5.
    print( 'inputs', a, b, p )

    y = a + b * np.exp( p*x )

    a, b, p = expfit( x, y )
    print( 'fits', a, b, p )

    a, b, c = 1.0, .5, 0.25
    p,q = -10., -5.
    print( 'inputs', a,b,c,p,q )

    y = a + b * np.exp( p*x ) + c * np.exp( q* x )

    a,b,c,p,q =  biexpfit( x, y )
    print( 'fits', a,b,c,p,q )

    a, b, c, d = -1., 5., 4., 2.
    p, q, r = .5, -3., -2.
    print( 'inputs', a,b,c,d, p,q,r )

    x = np.linspace( .1, 1.5, 15 )
    print( x )    

    y = a + b * np.exp( p*x ) + c * np.exp( q* x ) + d * np.exp( r* x )
    print( y )

    a,b,c,d, p,q,r = triexpfit( x, y, debug )
    print( 'fits', a,b,c,d, p,q,r )