First-n Fibonacci sequence elements


Didn't bother counting, but here's a fun example:

f(n){return n<4?1:f(--n)+f(--n);}
main(a,b){for(scanf("%d",&b);a++<=b;printf("%d ",f(a)));}

Proof it works.

I'm quite proud of this: I got bored, so I rearranged my code (with a few small additions) to make it where each line represents a value in the Fibonacci sequence.

                         #                                // 1
                         f                                // 1
                         //                               // 2
                        (n)                               // 3
                       {/**/                              // 5
                      return n                            // 8
                    <2 ? 1:f(--n)                         // 13
                +f(--n); } main(a, b)                     // 21
          {a = 0, b = 0;scanf("%d",&b); for(              // 34
;a < b; a+=1) { int res = f(a); printf("%d ", res); } }   // 55

Proof it works.

Haskell (26)

Surprisingly, this is only one character longer than the J solution.


I shave off a few characters by:

  1. Using take as a binary operator;
  2. Using scanl instead of the verbose zipWith.

Here's a one-liner Python. It uses floating-point, so there may be some n for which it is no longer accurate.

F=lambda n:' '.join('%d'%(((1+5**.5)/2)**i/5**.5+.5)for i in range(n))

F(n) returns a string containing the first n Fibonacci numbers separated by spaces.