Firefox and Firebug: how to inspect dynamically generated Bootstrap tooltip?

I was looking for How to inspect a JQuery tooltip in firebug

  1. Inspect the element in Firebug
  2. Select the "Event" tab to the right
  3. Disable the mouseoutevent.
  4. Now when the mouse is gone from the element, the tooltip stays. Can be inspected as any other element via FireBug.

Here is a small video:

  1. Enable the Script panel
  2. Reload the page
  3. Inspect the <label> element containing Some Text?
  4. Right-click the element and choose Break On Child Addition or Removal from the context menu
  5. Move the mouse over the question mark => The script execution will stop and you'll see a hint showing you the tooltip element.

enter image description here

  1. Press the Step Over button (enter image description here) or press F10 once, so the element is added to the DOM
  2. Switch to the HTML panel

=> There you'll see the <div> containing the tooltip and you'll be able to check its styles.

enter image description here