Firebase : Send notification with REST API

Just for helping,

If anyone wants to use REST POST API, here it is, use the Postman with below configuration



"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "key=<Server_key>"


    "to": "<Device FCM token>",
    "notification": {
      "title": "Check this Mobile (title)",
      "body": "Rich Notification testing (body)",
      "mutable_content": true,
      "sound": "Tri-tone"

   "data": {
    "url": "<url of media image>",
    "dl": "<deeplink action on tap of notification>"

That's it. Thanks!!!

If you want to get more details about Rich Notification with FCM, you can check my article on Medium Rich Push Notification with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and Pusher on iOS platform

I used the below rest API to send notification.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: key=AAAAG-oB4hk:APA91bFUilE6XqGzlqtr-M-LRl1JisWgEaSDfMZfHuJq3fs7IuvwhjoGM50i0YgU_qayJA8FKk15Uvkuo7SQtQlVt4qdcrrhvnfZyk_8zRGAskzalFUjr2nA2P_2QYNTfK6X8GbY0rni' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Postman-Token: c8af5355-dbf2-4762-9b37-a6b89484cf07' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{
    "to": "ey_Bl_xs-8o:APA91bERoA5mXVfkzvV6I1I8r1rDXzPjq610twte8SUpsKyCuiz3itcIBgJ7MyGRkjmymhfsceYDV9Ck-__ObFbf0Guy-P_Pa5110vS0Z6cXBH2ThnnPVCg-img4lAEDfRE5I9gd849d",
        "body":"Test Notification !!!",
        "title":"Test Title !!!"


Authorization : key=AAAAG-oB4hk:APA91bFUilE6XqGzlqtr-M-LRl1JisWgEaSDfMZfHuJq3fs7IuvwhjoGM50i0YgU_qayJA8FKk15Uvkuo7SQtQlVt4qdcrrhvnfZyk_8zRGAskzalFUjr2nA2P_2QYNTfK6X8GbY0rni

where key is web_server_key from the console and you need to specify the unique registration key which you will get from the app.

enter image description here

"to": "ey_Bl_xs-8o:APA91bERoA5mXVfkzvV6I1I8r1rDXzPjq610twte8SUpsKyCuiz3itcIBgJ7MyGRkjmymhfsceYDV9Ck-__ObFbf0Guy-P_Pa5110vS0Z6cXBH2ThnnPVCg-img4lAEDfRE5I9gd849d" is the FCM registration token from device. Please refer to the below link.