Firebase hosting deploy error "HTTP Error: 404, Not Found"

I had the same problem

In my case I fixed it by adding on the firebase.json a dot before /dist on public tag "public": "./dist/my-app-name",

Example of my json

{ "hosting": { "public": "./dist/my-app-name", "ignore": [ "firebase.json", "**/.*", "**/node_modules/**" ], "rewrites": [ { "source": "**", "destination": "/index.html" } ] } }

I had a similar error while trying to follow the Starting with React Most Wanted codelab step "Prepare Firebase Databases"

Error: HTTP Error: 404, Project 'react-most-wanted-ef689' does not exist.

Where 'react-most-wanted-ef689' would contain the name of any project.

It seems that I didn't set up Firestore properly. Missing step:

Activate Firestore for the project and specify the Resource Location Id by following Get started with Cloud Firestore.

I don't think it was in the codelab, so maybe this is something new since the codelab was written.

Was facing the same issue, my problem was that I had deleted the project in the console but the source-code was still referencing it hence error 404 - resource not found.

My solution was to:

  • delete .firebaserc file (contains your project alias) located in the root of the project
  • run firebase init and link to your project
  • run firebase deploy again