Firebase framework not found

I know it sounds far fetch, but:

  1. Clean the project. Product -> Clean
  2. Restart XCode (not always needed)
  3. Run pod update & pod installfrom the project folder

Update: The Podfile should more like:


    target 'Parti' do
      pod 'Firebase'
      pod 'Firebase/Storage'
      pod 'Firebase/Auth'
      pod 'Firebase/Database'

    target 'PartiUITests' do
      pod 'Firebase'
      pod 'Firebase/Storage'
      pod 'Firebase/Auth'
      pod 'Firebase/Database'

Just found the answer. Seems like I had an old geofire version and the new one is not available as a Pod yet...

Github Issue link

Thank you for your answers.

add $PROJECT_DIR/Pods (make it recursive)

to Framework search paths

for whatever reason only this helped me, maybe you too

Make sure you have added $(inherited) in your Header Search Paths, Framework Search Paths and Library Search Paths for your project target.

Also make sure that in frameworks folder in your project file(Not in your Pods, click on the Project Name in the Project Navigator), the "libPods-YourProjectName.a" is not red. If yes, delete it and build again.