Firebase Database Permission denied with read/write permissions set to true

I've been changing firestore rules instead of DB... Hope it helps to someone dumb like me.

enter image description here

Complete Solution:

1). Firstly go to Authentication Tab and select SIGN-IN-METHOD turn Anonymous On

2). Secondly go to Database Tab and write Rule

"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true

3). Thirdly go to Storage Tab and write following rule

service {
 match /b/ {
 match /{allPaths=**} {
 allow read, write;

Note This solution is only for testing purpose with following steps you are giving public permission for Read and Write your database.

This looks like problem with your google-services.json.

Make sure app name and client id are same as in firebase console.

If you are not sure re-download google-services.json from your project's console and add it your project.