firebase + create-react-app hosting error

Your main.js contains the page html data again. <!doctype html><html lang="en"><head>....

As the browser loads the JS file and tries to interpret it, it fails, as HTML is clearly not javascript. It tries to communicate its confusion with "Oh I found a < but that is not what I expected".

You seem to have configured a default route for your server and each and any request returns your index.html.

I noticed in one of your screenshots, that you said "yes" to "Rewrite all urls to index.html" - it does exactly that. You should not activate that, as ALL you requests will then always return the index.html.

Please have a look in your firebase.json file. You will find the instructions for hosting and routing in there.

API Docs are here:

You might want to have a special look into the redirects array, looking like this:

"redirects": [ 
    "source" : "*",
    "destination" : "/index.html"

Here you tell the server to redirect all traffic to /index.html. Delete the redirect entries, redeploy and all will be well.

So this redirects section will most probably solve the issue:

  "hosting": {
   "public": "build",
   "ignore": [ 
    "redirects": []

thanks everyone for quick reply. problem was solved with adding "redirects":[] to firebase.json like this:

  "hosting": {
    "public": "build",
    "ignore": [
    "redirects": [],        
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "**",
        "destination": "/index.html"