Firebase Auth: Requests from this Android client application are blocked

I just faced the same problem today and fortunately solved the problem. I still don't have any idea why this was happening but here are the steps I had taken to solve :

  1. Delete the already added SHA-1 signing-certificate fingerprint in the Firebase console settings.
  2. Go to android studio and Sync Project with Gradle Files.
  3. Add SHA-1 signing-certificate fingerprint again to the Firebase Console Settings.

Here is how you can add SHA-1 signing-certificate fingerprint to firebase : CLICK HERE

The Google Cloud API key I was using was restricted to android with my package name, but only the production SHA-1 certificate fingerprint was given, not the debug key. I added the debug key's SHA-1 certificate along with the package name so that both production and debug certificates appear in the "Application Restrictions" for the key and it worked. Apparently being "blocked" by firebase means your API key may be restricted improperly.

I noticed that for some reason on my Google Credentials API Key restriction, my SHA-1 fingerprint wasn't included.

To find your API Key, go to Or go to the -> Click on the hamburger icon on the top left -> APIs and Services -> Credentials

Choose the API Key that you're using. -Under "App Restrictions", choose "Android Apps" (If you're build an Android app for example) -Under "Restrict usage to your Android apps", Click "Add an item" -Enter your package name and your SHA-1 Fingerprint

To know how to find your SHA-1 Fingerprint, LINK

The signingReport task may be under Gradle(on the right vertical band) app -> tasks -> android