Fingerprint GUI not installing in Ubuntu 20.04

Fingerprint GUI is no longer maintained and is not compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 and newer. There is a built-in fingerprint login feature in 20.04 under Settings->Users->Authentication & Login.

Follow this guide for non GNOME remixes:

Fingerprint login setup is available via a GUI for Gnome, however there is no current GUI for Ubuntu MATE.

The following steps will enable Fingerprint Login and user privilege escalation in Ubuntu MATE, please note that some of this will be dependent on the specific laptop you are using.

First step check your laptop for an available fingerprint reader


If you have one listed then please follow the steps few steps:

sudo apt install fprintd libpam-fprintd

Now you need to enroll your fingerprint:


Follow the prompt and swipe your right index finger across your scanner 5 times until you get the following: Enroll result: enroll-completed

Now you need to enable access:

sudo pam-auth-update

This will open an ncurses interface. Add an * next to Fingerprint authenication and tab over to OK and exit.

At this point you will be able to use your fingerprint scanner to authenticate to elevated privileges, ie. sudo. It will also allow you to login and unlock your system using the fingerprint reader.

This has been tested on Ubuntu MATE 18.04, 19.10, and the current daily 20.04.

(Also I can confirm Xubuntu 20.04.)