Finding the coefficient of $x^2$ in $\tiny{\left(\left(\left(\left(x-2\right)^2-2\right)^2-2\right)^2-\cdots-2\right)^2}$

If we note $f_k(x)=\underbrace{\left(\left(\left(\left(x-2\right)^2 -2\right)^2 -2\right)^2 -\cdots -2\right)^2}_{k\;\text{times}}=x^3Q_k(x)+R_k(x)$ with $\deg R_k\le 2$

Then we are only interested in the following induction:

$$R_{k+1}(x)=(R_k(x)-2)^2\pmod{x^3}$$ When squaring and taking the remainder of the division by $x^3$ you get $$(ax^2+bx+c-2)^2\pmod{x^3}=(b^2+2ac-4a)x^2+(2bc-4b)x+(c^2-4c+4)$$

Note that $c_0=0$ and $c_1=0-0+4=4$ and $c_2=16-16+4=4$, so except for its first term, the sequence $(c_n)_n$ is constant and $\forall i>0,\ c_i=4$.

Applying this simplification we get: $$(b^2+4a)x^2+4bx+4$$

The induction s then $P_0(x)=x$ : $\begin{cases}a_0=0\\b_0=1\\c_0=0\end{cases}\quad$ and $\quad P_n(x)$ : $\begin{cases}a_n=b_{n-1}^2+4a_{n-1}\\b_n=4b_{n-1}\\c_n=4\end{cases}$

The coefficient $b_n$ resolves easily to $b_n=4^n$

  • Method 1 :

For $a_n$ you can go directly to $a_n-4a_{n-1}=\frac 1{16}16^n$ which solves to $a_n=hom_n+part_n$

The homogeneous general solution is $hom_n=\alpha 4^n$

And a particular solution with RHS has to be found under the form $part_n=\beta 16^n$ since $4\neq 16$.

  • Method 2 :

We are linearising the equation for $a_n$.


You get the linear equation with constant coefficients : $$a_n-20a_{n-1}+64a_{n-2}=0$$

Whose characteristic equation $r^2-20r+64=0$ gives roots $r=4$ and $r=16$.

So both methods give in the end $$a_n=\alpha 4^n + \beta 16^n$$

Solving for $a_0=0$ and $a_1=1$ we get $$a_n=\frac{16^n-4^n}{12}$$

So overall except for notations we used the same method. Good job!

I find your text a bit confusing, but your calculations are perfectly fine.

  • For instance once you have determined that terms in $x^3$ are not needed, do not carry everywhere $P_kx^3$, work only on the remainder like I did.
  • Also your choice of $Bx^2+Ax+C$ is weird, why swapping the meaning of $A$ and $B$ in regards to usual quadratics $(ax^2+bx+c)$ ?
  • Finally I have nothing against caps but inherently here $4$ and $A$ have close graphs in this font, which do not ease the reading.

In the end, the resolution for my $a_n$ or your $B_k$ can be speeded up by using the theory on linear inductive sequences:

Finally as suggested by J.Omielan and d.k.o, it is a good idea to calculate the first terms and then go to OEIS, it sometimes helps the problem resolution to know the closed formula for the coefficients in advance.

You need to solve the following recursion: $$ \begin{cases} a_k=(a_{k-1}-2)^2, \\ b_k=b_{k-1}a_{k-1}, \\ c_k=c_{k-1}a_{k-1}+b_{k-1}^2 \end{cases} $$ with $a_1=4,b_1=-4,c_1=1$ ($a_k,b_k,c_k$ correspond to the coefficients of the constant term, $x$, and $x^2$, respectively).

The solution is \begin{align} a_k=4, \quad b_k=-4^k,\quad c_k=4^{k-1}(4^k-1)/3. \end{align}