Find whether a number is happy or not?

Ruby, 77 characters

a=gets.to_i;a=eval"#{a}".gsub /./,'+\&**2'until a<5
puts a<2?:Happy: :Unhappy

C - 115

char b[1<<30];a;main(n){for(scanf("%d",&n);b[n]^=1;n=a)for

This uses a 230-byte (1GB) array as a bitmap to keep track of which numbers have been encountered in the cycle. On Linux, this actually works, and efficiently so, provided memory overcommitting is enabled (which it usually is by default). With overcommitting, pages of the array are allocated and zeroed on demand.

Note that compiling this program on Linux uses a gigabyte of RAM.

Golfscript - 34 chars


Basically the same as this and these.

The reason for 9 iterations is described in these comments (this theoretically returns correct values up to about 10^10^10^974 (A001273)).