Find the year with the highest population (most efficient solution)

I think we can have O(n log n) time with O(1) additional space by first sorting, then maintaining a current population and global maximum as we iterate. I tried to use the current year as a reference point but the logic still seemed a bit tricky so I'm not sure it's completely worked out. Hopefully, it can give an idea of the approach.

JavaScript code (counterexamples/bugs welcome)

function f(births, deaths){
  births.sort((a, b) => a - b);
  deaths.sort((a, b) => a - b);

  let i = 0;
  let j = 0;
  let year = births[i];
  let curr = 0;
  let max = curr;

  while (deaths[j] < births[0])

  while (i < births.length || j < deaths.length){
    while (year == births[i]){
      curr = curr + 1;
      i = i + 1;
    if (j == deaths.length || year < deaths[j]){
      max = Math.max(max, curr);
      console.log(`year: ${ year }, max: ${ max }, curr: ${ curr }`);
    } else if (j < deaths.length && deaths[j] == year){
      while (deaths[j] == year){
        curr = curr - 1;
        j = j + 1;
      max = Math.max(max, curr);
      console.log(`year: ${ year }, max: ${ max }, curr: ${ curr }`);

    if (j < deaths.length && deaths[j] > year && (i == births.length || deaths[j] < births[i])){
      year = deaths[j];
      while (deaths[j] == year){
        curr = curr - 1;
        j = j + 1;
      console.log(`year: ${ year }, max: ${ max }, curr: ${ curr }`);

    year = births[i];
  return max;

var input = [
  [[1997, 1997, 1997, 1998, 1999],
  [1998, 1999]],
  [[1, 2, 2, 3, 4],
  [1, 2, 2, 5]],
  [[1984, 1981, 1984, 1991, 1996],
  [1991, 1984, 1997]],
  [[1984, 1981, 1984, 1991, 1996],
  [1991, 1982, 1984, 1997]]

for (let [births, deaths] of input)
  console.log(f(births, deaths));

If the year range, m, is on the order of n, we could store the counts for each year in the range and have O(n) time complexity. If we wanted to get fancy, we could also have O(n * log log m) time complexity, by using a Y-fast trie that allows successor lookup in O(log log m) time.

We can solve this in linear time with bucket sort. Let's say the size of the input is n, and the range of years is m.

O(n): Find the min and max year across births and deaths.
O(m): Create an array of size max_yr - min_yr + 1, ints initialized to zero. 
      Treat the first cell of the array as min_yr, the next as min_yr+1, etc...
O(n): Parse the births array, incrementing the appropriate index of the array. 
      arr[birth_yr - min_yr] += 1
O(n): Ditto for deaths, decrementing the appropriate index of the array.
      arr[death_yr - min_yr] -= 1
O(m): Parse your array, keeping track of the cumulative sum and its max value.

The largest cumulative maximum is your answer.

The running time is O(n+m), and the additional space needed is O(m).

This is a linear solution in n if m is O(n); i.e., if the range of years isn't growing more quickly than the number of births and deaths. This is almost certainly true for real world data.

First aggregate the births and deaths into a map (year => population change), sort that by key, and calculate the running population over that.

This should be approximately O(2n + n log n), where n is the number of births.

$births = [1984, 1981, 1984, 1991, 1996];
$deaths = [1991, 1984];

function highestPopulationYear(array $births, array $deaths): ?int
    $indexed = [];

    foreach ($births as $birth) {
        $indexed[$birth] = ($indexed[$birth] ?? 0) + 1;

    foreach ($deaths as $death) {
        $indexed[$death] = ($indexed[$death] ?? 0) - 1;


    $maxYear = null;
    $max = $current = 0;

    foreach ($indexed as $year => $change) {
        $current += $change;
        if ($current >= $max) {
            $max = $current;
            $maxYear = $year;

    return $maxYear;

var_dump(highestPopulationYear($births, $deaths));

I solved this problem with a memory requirement of O(n+m) [in worst case, best case O(n)]

and, time complexity of O(n logn).

Here, n & m are the length of births and deaths arrays.

I don't know PHP or javascript. I've implemented it with Java and the logic is very simple. But I believe my idea can be implemented in those languages as well.

Technique Details:

I used java TreeMap structure to store births and deaths records.

TreeMap inserts data sorted (key based) as (key, value) pair, here key is the year and value is the cumulative sum of births & deaths (negative for deaths).

We don't need to insert deaths value that happened after the highest birth year.

Once the TreeMap is populated with the births & deaths records, all the cumulative sums are updated and store the maximum population with year as it progressed.

Sample input & output: 1

Births: [1909, 1919, 1904, 1911, 1908, 1908, 1903, 1901, 1914, 1911, 1900, 1919, 1900, 1908, 1906]

Deaths: [1910, 1911, 1912, 1911, 1914, 1914, 1913, 1915, 1914, 1915]

Year counts Births: {1900=2, 1901=1, 1903=1, 1904=1, 1906=1, 1908=3, 1909=1, 1911=2, 1914=1, 1919=2}

Year counts Birth-Deaths combined: {1900=2, 1901=1, 1903=1, 1904=1, 1906=1, 1908=3, 1909=1, 1910=-1, 1911=0, 1912=-1, 1913=-1, 1914=-2, 1915=-2, 1919=2}

Yearwise population: {1900=2, 1901=3, 1903=4, 1904=5, 1906=6, 1908=9, 1909=10, 1910=9, 1911=9, 1912=8, 1913=7, 1914=5, 1915=3, 1919=5}

maxPopulation: 10
yearOfMaxPopulation: 1909

Sample input & output: 2

Births: [1906, 1901, 1911, 1902, 1905, 1911, 1902, 1905, 1910, 1912, 1900, 1900, 1904, 1913, 1904]

Deaths: [1917, 1908, 1918, 1915, 1907, 1907, 1917, 1917, 1912, 1913, 1905, 1914]

Year counts Births: {1900=2, 1901=1, 1902=2, 1904=2, 1905=2, 1906=1, 1910=1, 1911=2, 1912=1, 1913=1}

Year counts Birth-Deaths combined: {1900=2, 1901=1, 1902=2, 1904=2, 1905=1, 1906=1, 1907=-2, 1908=-1, 1910=1, 1911=2, 1912=0, 1913=0}

Yearwise population: {1900=2, 1901=3, 1902=5, 1904=7, 1905=8, 1906=9, 1907=7, 1908=6, 1910=7, 1911=9, 1912=9, 1913=9}

maxPopulation: 9
yearOfMaxPopulation: 1906

Here, deaths occurred (1914 & later) after the last birth year 1913, was not counted at all, that avoids unnecessary computations.

For a total of 10 million data (births & deaths combined) and over 1000 years range, the program took about 3 sec. to finish.

If same size data with 100 years range, it took 1.3 sec.

All the inputs are randomly taken.