Find the owner of a directory or file, but only return that and nothing else

stat from GNU coreutils can do this:

stat -c '%U' /path/of/file/or/directory

Unfortunately, there are a number of versions of stat, and there's not a lot of consistency in their syntax. For example, on FreeBSD, it would be

stat -f '%Su' /path/of/file/or/directory

If portability is a concern, you're probably better off using Gilles's suggestion of combining ls and awk. It has to start two processes instead of one, but it has the advantage of using only POSIX-standard functionality:

ls -ld /path/of/file/or/directory | awk '{print $3}'

Parsing the output of ls is rarely a good idea, but obtaining the first few fields is an exception, it actually works on all “traditional” unices (it doesn't work on platforms such as some Windows implementations that allow spaces in user names).

ls -ld /path/to/directory | awk 'NR==1 {print $3}'

Another option is to use a stat command, but the problem with stat from the shell is that there are multiple commands with different syntax, so stat in a shell script is unportable (even across Linux installations).

Note that testing whether a given user is the owner is a different proposition.

if [ -n "$(find . -user "$username" -print -prune -o -prune)" ]; then
  echo "The current directory is owned by $username."
if [ -n "$(find . -user "$(id -u)" -print -prune -o -prune)" ]; then
  echo "The current directory is owned by the current user."

One can also do this with GNU find:

find $directoryname -maxdepth 0 -printf '%u\n'

This isn't portable outside of the GNU system, but I'd be surprised to find a Linux distribution where it doesn't work.