Find the Mr of a Given Compound!

Jelly, 63 bytes


A monadic link accepting a list of characters and returning a number.

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ḟØDOP%⁽¡ṛị“ÇṚÆ’BH+“Ḳ"ɦṀ⁷6<s¡_-¦y⁼Ḟ¡¡FPɓ‘¤÷5 - Link 1, Atomic weight: list of characters
                                            -                              e.g. "Cl23"
 ØD                                         - digit yield = "0123456789"
ḟ                                           - filter discard                      "Cl"
   O                                        - cast to ordinals                [67,108]
    P                                       - product                            7236
      ⁽¡ṛ                                   - base 250 literal = 1223
     %                                      - modulo                             1121
                                        ¤   - nilad followed by link(s) as a nilad:
          “ÇṚÆ’                             -   base 250 literal  = 983264
               B                            -   convert to binary = [    1,    1,     1,     1,   0,  0,  0,   0, 0,  0,  0, 0,     1,     1,     1, 0, 0,  0,  0,   0]
                H                           -   halve             = [  0.5,  0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0,  0,  0,   0, 0,  0,  0, 0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5, 0, 0,  0,  0,   0]
                  “Ḳ"ɦṀ⁷6<s¡_-¦y⁼Ḟ¡¡FPɓ‘    -   code-page indexes = [177  , 34  , 160  , 200  , 135, 54, 60, 115, 0, 95, 45, 5, 121  , 140  , 195  , 0, 0, 70, 80, 155]
                 +                          -   addition          = [177.5, 34.5, 160.5, 200.5, 135, 54, 60, 115, 0, 95, 45, 5, 121.5, 140.5, 195.5, 0, 0, 70, 80, 155]
         ị                                  - index into (1-indexed and modular)
                                            -    ...20 items so e.g. 1121%20=1 so 177.5
                                         ÷5 - divide by 5                          35.5

fØDVȯ1×Ç - Link 2: Total weight of multiple of atoms: list of characters   e.g. "Cl23"
 ØD      - digit yield = "0123456789"
f        - filter keep                                                            "23"
   V     - evaluate as Jelly code                                                  23
    ȯ1   - logical or with one (no digits yields an empty string which evaluates to zero)
       Ç - call last link (1) as a monad (get the atomic weight)                   35.5
      ×  - multiply                                                               816.5

Œs>œṗ⁸ḊÇ€S - Main link: list of characters                             e.g. "C24HCl23"
Œs         - swap case                                                      "c24hcL23"
  >        - greater than? (vectorises)                                      10011000
     ⁸     - chain's left argument                                          "C24HCl23"
   œṗ      - partition at truthy indexes                          ["","C24","H","Cl23"]
      Ḋ    - dequeue                                                 ["C24","H","Cl23"]
       Ç€  - call last link (2) as a monad for €ach                  [  288,  1,  816.5]
         S - sum                                                                 1105.5

Python 3,  189 182  168 bytes

-14 bytes by using the hash from Justin Mariner's JavaScript (ES6) answer.

import re
lambda s:sum([[9,35.5,39.1,24.3,28.1,14,16,31,40.1,23,32.1,10.8,12,27,6.9,19,0,1][int(a,29)%633%35%18]*int(n or 1)for a,n in re.findall("(\D[a-z]?)(\d*)",s)])

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Below is the 182 byte version, I'll leave the explanation for this one - the above just changes the order of the weights, uses int to convert the element name from base 29, and uses different dividends to compress the range of integers down - see Justin Mariner's answer.

import re
lambda s:sum([[16,31,40.1,32.1,0,24.3,12,39.1,28.1,19,0,9,10.8,23,27,35.5,6.9,14,1][ord(a[0])*ord(a[-1])%1135%98%19]*int(n or 1)for a,n in re.findall("(\D[a-z]?)(\d*)",s)])

An unnamed function accepting a string, s, and returning a number.

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Uses a regex to split the input, s, into the elements and their counts using:
\D matches exactly one non-digit and [a-z]? matches 0 or 1 lowercase letter, together matching elements. \d* matches 0 or more digits. The parentheses make these into two groups, and as such findall("...",s) returns a list of tuples of strings, [(element, number),...].

The number is simple to extract, the only thing to handle is that an empty string means 1, this is achieved with a logical or since Python strings are falsey: int(n or 1).

The element string is given a unique number by taking the product of its first and last character's ordinals (usually these are the same e.g. S or C, but we need to differentiate between Cl, C, Ca, and Na so we cannot just use one character).

These numbers are then hashed to cover a much smaller range of [0,18], found by a search of the modulo space resulting in %1135%98%19. For example "Cl" has ordinals 67 and 108, which multiply to give 7736, which, modulo 1135 is 426, which modulo 98 is 34, which modulo 19 is 15; this number is used to index into a list of integers - the 15th (0-indexed) value in the list:
is 35.5, the atomic weight of Cl, which is then multiplied by the number of such elements (as found above).

These products are then added together using sum(...).

PHP, 235 bytes


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Instead of array_combine([H,Li,Be,B,C,N,O,F,Na,Mg,Al,Si,P,S,Cl,K,Ca],[1,6.9,9,10.8,12,14,16,19,23,24.3,27,28.1,31,32.1,35.5,39.1,40.1]) you can use [H=>1,Li=>6.9,Be=>9,B=>10.8,C=>12,N=>14,O=>16,F=>19,Na=>23,Mg=>24.3,Al=>27,Si=>28.1,P=>31,S=>32.1,Cl=>35.5,K=>39.1,Ca=>40.1] with the same Byte count