Find the maximum and minimum value of every column and then find the maximum and minimum value of every row

Figured it out.

Minimum and maximum of every column:


Minimum and maximum of every row:


Found the information here

See the matrixStats package. You can use colMins(), rowMaxs() and functions like this both for columns and rows.

See this answer: How to find the highest value of a column in a data frame in R?

You can try

apply(a, 1, range)

Using this together with t, this gives you two columns. The first one with the minimum the second with the maximum of the rows.

head(t(apply(a, 1, range)))
         [,1]     [,2]
[1,] 95.75922 103.6956
[2,] 93.62636 106.3934
[3,] 92.70567 106.9190
[4,] 96.53577 104.4971
[5,] 96.61573 107.6691
[6,] 95.56239 105.5887

for the column maxima change 1 to 2 in the apply function.