Find the largest prime whose length, sum and product is prime

Python 2.7 on PyPy, {2404}3{1596} (~10^4000)


Found this one about 50 minutes after starting from 4000. Therefore, I would estimate this is the upper limit of this code approach.

Change: I've noticed that some lengths seem to be more fruitful for generating this sort of prime than others, so I've decided to only check 50 random locations of the digit that isn't 1 instead of all possible locations, before moving on. I'm not completely sure this will improve performance, or that 50 is correct, but we'll see.

Possibilities list is generated based on the fact that for the products requirement to be fulfilled, the number must be all ones except for a prime. In addition, the prime can't be 2 because of the sum and length relationship, and the digital sum must not be divisible by three, giving the %3 requirements.

is_prime taken from , written by @primo

Note: this is_prime function is actually a Baillie-PSW pseudoprime test, but there are no known counter-examples, so I'm not going to worry about the distinction.

from my_math import is_prime
import time,random
while time.time()-start_time<3600:
    small_primes = [a for a in range(LLIMIT,2*LLIMIT) if is_prime(a)]
    for a in small_primes:
        if a+2 in small_primes:
        if a+4 in small_primes:
        if a+6 in small_primes:
    print leng,dig,time.clock(),checked
    for loc in random.sample(range(leng),50):
        if is_prime(int('1'*loc+str(dig)+'1'*(leng-loc-1))):
            print leng-1,loc,dig,time.clock(),time.clock()-start, \

PARI/GP, 4127 digits

(104127-1)/9 + 2*10515

This is a fairly straightforward search: check only prime digit lengths, then compute the possible primes to use, then iterate through all possibilities. I special-cased the common cases where there are 0 or 1 suitable prime digits to use.

        my(N=10^d\9, P=select(p->isprime(d+p),[1,2,4,6]), D, n=1);
        if(#P==0, next);
                if (ispseudoprime(D=N+n*P[1]), print(D));
                if (ispseudoprime(k), print(k))
supreme(4200, 4100)

This took 36 minutes to compute on one core of a fairly old machine. It would have no trouble finding such a prime over 5000 digits in an hour, I'm sure, but I'm also impatient.

A better solution would be to use any reasonable language to do everything but the innermost loop, then construct an abc file for primeform which is optimized for that particular sort of calculation. This should be able to push the calculation up to at least 10,000 digits.

Edit: I implemented the hybrid solution described above, but on my old machine I can't find the first term with >= 10,000 digits in less than an hour. Unless I run it on something faster I'll have to change to a less lofty target.

Perl, 15101 digits, {83}7{15017}, 8 minutes. Max found: 72227 digits

Using my module Math::Prime::Util and its GMP back end. It has a number of compositeness tests including is_prob_prime() with an ES BPSW test (slightly more stringent than Pari's ispseudoprime), is_prime() which adds one random-base M-R, and is_provable_prime() which will run BLS75 T5 or ECPP. At these sizes and types, doing a proof is going to take a long time. I threw in another M-R test in the pedantic verifier sub. Times on a Core2 E7500 which is definitely not my fastest computer (it takes 2.5 minutes on my i7-4770K).

As Tim S. points out, we could keep searching for larger values, up to the point where a single test takes an hour. At ~15000 digits on this E7500 it takes about 26s for an M-R test and 2 minutes for the full is_prime (trial division plus base-2 M-R plus ES Lucas plus one random-base M-R). My i7-4770K is over 3x faster. I tried a few sizes, mainly seeing how it did on other people's results. I tried 8k, 20k, and 16k, killing each after ~5 minutes. I then tried 15k in progression for ~10m each and got lucky on the 4th one.

OpenPFGW's PRP tests are certainly faster once past 4000 or so digits, and much faster indeed in the 50k+ range. Its test has a fair amount of false positives however, which makes it a great pre-test but one would still like to verify the results with something else.

This could be parallelized with perl threads or using MCE similar to the parallel Fibonacci prime finder examples in the module.

Timing and results on an idle i7-4770K using single core:

  • input 3000, 16 seconds, 3019 digits, {318}5{2700}
  • input 4000, 47 seconds, 4001 digits, {393}7{3607}
  • input 4100, 5 seconds, 4127 digits, {29}7{4097}
  • input 6217, 5 seconds, 6217 digits, {23}5{6193}
  • input 6500, 5 minutes, 6547 digits, {598}5{5948}
  • input 7000, 15 minutes, 7013 digits, {2411}7{4601}
  • input 9000, 11 minutes, 9001 digits, {952}7{8048}
  • input 12000, 10 minutes, 12007 digits, {652}5{11354}
  • input 15100, 2.5 minutes, 15101 digits, {83}7{15017}
  • input 24600, 47 minutes, 24671 digits, {621}7{24049}
  • input 32060, 18 minutes, 32063 digits, {83}7{31979}
  • input 57000, 39 minutes, 57037 digits, {112}5{56924}
  • input 72225, 42 minutes, 72227 digits, {16}3{72210}

For the 32k digit result, I started 6 scripts running at the same time each with successive arguments starting at 32000. After 26.5 minutes one finished with the 32063 digit result shown. For 57k I let successive scripts run 6 at a time for an hour in input increments of 500 until the 57k result returned in 57 minutes. The 72k digit result was found by doing successive primes from 70k up, so definitely not found in an hour (though once you know where to start, it is).

The script:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Math::Prime::Util qw/:all/;
use Math::Prime::Util::GMP;  # Just to ensure it is used.

my $l = shift || 1000;  $l--;

while (1) {
  $l = next_prime($l);
  my @D = grep { is_prime($l-1 + $_) } (3,5,7);
  next unless scalar @D > 0;
  for my $s (0 .. $l-1) {
    my $e = $l-$s-1;
    warn "   checking $l $s\n" unless $s % 100;
    for my $d (@D) {
      my $n = "1"x$s . $d . "1"x$e;
      die unless length($n) == $l;
      verify_supreme($n,$s,$d,$e) if is_prime($n);  # ES BPSW + 1 rand-base M-R
sub verify_supreme {  # Be pedantic and verify the result
  my($n,$s,$d,$e) = @_;
  die "Incorrect length" unless is_prime(length($n));
  die "Incorrect sum" unless is_prime(vecsum(split(//,$n)));
  my $prod = 1; $prod *= $_ for split(//,$n);
  die "Incorrect product" unless is_prime($prod);
  die "n is not a prime!" unless miller_rabin_random($n,1);  # One more M-R test
  die "{$s} $d {$e}\n";