Find td with specific text, and operate on the td right after that one?

This should work...

$(function() {
    var searchText = "Section Heading 3";
    var output = "";
    $("td").each(function(i, item) {
        if($(item).html() == searchText) {
            output = $(item).html();
            output += $(item).closest("td").html()


Here's a jsFiddle

jQuery has :contains() pseudo class :

$('td:contains("Section Heading 4")').next().text(function(_,t){
    return t + ' Hello';

Be carefull, :contains is case sensitive.

First, you want to use :contains:

jQuery( "td:contains(text)" );

Then, you can use .next and .append:

jQuery( "td:contains(text)" ).next().append("Hello");

Here's a working snippet to demonstrate usage:

jQuery(function($) {
  $("td:contains(Text to Find)").next().append(" Hello");
table {
  border-collapse: collapse;

td {
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  padding: 2px 5px;
<script src=""></script>
      <td>Some Text</td>
      <td>More Text</td>
      <td>Text to Find</td>
      <td>Do nothing here</td>

My initial answer missed the point about updating the text, here is a sample with this included:

$(".test td:contains(Heading 1)")
        return $(this).text() + " Hello"

I don't believe you can use the append method as I think it only works to add html tags.