find pair of numbers in array that add to given sum

If you have a sorted array you can find such a pair in O(n) by moving two pointers toward the middle

i = 0
j = n-1
while(i < j){
   if      (a[i] + a[j] == target) return (i, j);
   else if (a[i] + a[j] <  target) i += 1;
   else if (a[i] + a[j] >  target) j -= 1;
return NOT_FOUND;

The sorting can be made O(N) if you have a bound on the size of the numbers (or if the the array is already sorted in the first place). Even then, a log n factor is really small and I don't want to bother to shave it off.


If there is a solution (i*, j*), suppose, without loss of generality, that i reaches i* before j reaches j*. Since for all j' between j* and j we know that a[j'] > a[j*] we can extrapolate that a[i] + a[j'] > a[i*] + a[j*] = target and, therefore, that all the following steps of the algorithm will cause j to decrease until it reaches j* (or an equal value) without giving i a chance to advance forward and "miss" the solution.

The interpretation in the other direction is similar.

An O(N) time and O(1) space solution that works on a sorted array:

Let M be the value you're after. Use two pointers, X and Y. Start X=0 at the beginning and Y=N-1 at the end. Compute the sum sum = array[X] + array[Y]. If sum > M, then decrement Y, otherwise increment X. If the pointers cross, then no solution exists.

You can sort in place to get this for a general array, but I'm not certain there is an O(N) time and O(1) space solution in general.