Find integer index of rows with NaN in pandas dataframe

One line solution. However it works for one column only.

df.loc[pandas.isna(df["b"]), :].index

For DataFrame df:

import numpy as np
index = df['b'].index[df['b'].apply(np.isnan)]

will give you back the MultiIndex that you can use to index back into df, e.g.:

>>> 1.452354

For the integer index:

df_index = df.index.values.tolist()
[df_index.index(i) for i in index]
>>> [3, 6]

Here is a simpler solution:

inds = pd.isnull(df).any(1).nonzero()[0]

In [9]: df
          0         1
0  0.450319  0.062595
1 -0.673058  0.156073
2 -0.871179 -0.118575
3  0.594188       NaN
4 -1.017903 -0.484744
5  0.860375  0.239265
6 -0.640070       NaN
7 -0.535802  1.632932
8  0.876523 -0.153634
9 -0.686914  0.131185

In [10]: pd.isnull(df).any(1).nonzero()[0]
Out[10]: array([3, 6])


