find exec '{}' not available after >

You could use bash -c within the find -exec command and use the positional parameter with the bash command:

find . \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.jpeg' \) -exec bash -c 'cjpeg -quality 80 "$1" > "$(dirname "$1")/optimized_$(basename "$1")"' sh {} \;

That way {} is provided with $1.

The sh before the {} tells the inner shell its "name", the string used here is used in e.g. error messages. This is discussed more in this answer on stackoverflow.

You have an answer(, but here is why.

The redirection >, and also pipes |, and $ expansion, are all done by the shell before the command is executed. Therefore stdout is redirected to optimized_{}, before find is started.

cjpeg has an option that lets you write to a named file, rather than standard output. If your version of find supports the -execdir option, you can take advantage of that to make the redirection unnecessary.

find . \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.jpeg' \) \
  -execdir cjpeg -quality 80 -outfile optimized_'{}' '{}' \;

Note: this actually assumes the BSD version of find, which appears to strip the leading ./ from the file name when exanding to {}. (Or conversely, GNU find adds ./ to the name. There's no standard to say which behavior is "right".)


