Find component by display name when the component is stateless functional, with Enzyme

There are a couple of things you can do in this case. Enzyme can match component constructors based on the constructor's static .displayName or .name properties, or by referential equality. As a result, the following approaches should all work:

Direct Reference

you can import the actual components in your tests and find them using direct references to the component:

// NavBar-test.js

import NavBar from './path/to/NavBar';  

Named Function Expressions

If you use named function expressions to create your stateless functional components, the names should still work.

// NavBar.js  

module.exports = function NavBar(props) { ... }

Static .displayName property

You can add a static .displayName property on the components:

// NavBar.js

const NavBar = (props) => { ... };
NavBar.displayName = 'NavBar';