Find all the numbers in one file that are not in another file in python

As files are sorted you can just iterate through each line at a time, if the line of file A is less than the line of file B then you know that A is not in B so you then increment file A only and then check again. If the line in A is greater than the line in B then you know that B is not in A so you increment file B only. If A and B are equal then you know line is in both so increment both files. while in your original question you stated you were interested in entries which are in A but not B, this answer will extend that and also give entries in B not A. This extends the flexability but still allows you so print just those in A not B.

def strip_read(file):
    return file.readline().rstrip()

in_a_not_b = []
in_b_not_a = []
with open("fileA") as A:
    with open("fileB") as B:
        Aline = strip_read(A)
        Bline = strip_read(B)
        while Aline or Bline:
            if Aline < Bline and Aline:
                Aline = strip_read(A)
            elif Aline > Bline and Bline:
                Bline = strip_read(B)
                Aline = strip_read(A)
                Bline = strip_read(B)

print("in A not in B", in_a_not_b, "\nin B not in A", in_b_not_a)

OUTPUT for my sample Files

in A not in B ['2', '5', '7'] 
in B not in A ['6']

You can combine itertools.groupby (doc) and heapq.merge (doc) to iterate through FileA and FileB lazily (it works as long the files are sorted!)

FileA = [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
FileB = [1, 3, 4, 6]

from itertools import groupby
from heapq import merge

gen_a = ((v, 'FileA') for v in FileA)
gen_b = ((v, 'FileB') for v in FileB)

for v, g in groupby(merge(gen_a, gen_b, key=lambda k: int(k[0])), lambda k: int(k[0])):
    if any(v[1] == 'FileB' for v in g):



EDIT (Reading from files):

from itertools import groupby
from heapq import merge

gen_a = ((int(v.strip()), 1) for v in open('3k.txt'))
gen_b = ((int(v.strip()), 2) for v in open('2k.txt'))

for v, g in groupby(merge(gen_a, gen_b, key=lambda k: k[0]), lambda k: k[0]):
    if any(v[1] == 2 for v in g):


Generating files with 10_000_000 items:

seq 0 3 10000000 > 3k.txt
seq 0 2 10000000 > 2k.txt

The script takes ~10sec to complete:

real    0m10,656s
user    0m10,557s
sys 0m0,076s

A simple solution based on file reading (asuming that each line hold a number):

results = []
with open('file1.csv') as file1, open('file2.csv') as file2:
        var1 = file1.readline()
        var2 = file2.readline()
        while var1:
            while var1 and var2:
                if int(var1) < int(var2):
                    var1 = file1.readline()
                elif int(var1) > int(var2):
                    var2 = file2.readline()
                elif int(var1) == int(var2):
                    var1 = file1.readline()
                    var2 = file2.readline()
            if var1:
                var1 = file1.readline()
output = [2, 5, 7, 9]

If you want to read the files line by line since you don't have so much memory and you need a linear solution you can do this with iter if your files are line based, otherwise see this:

First in your terminal you can do this to generate some test files:

seq 0 3 100 > 3k.txt
seq 0 2 100 > 2k.txt

Then you run this code:

i1 = iter(open("3k.txt"))
i2 = iter(open("2k.txt"))
a = int(next(i1))
b = int(next(i2))
aNotB = []
# bNotA = []
while True:
        if a < b:
            aNotB += [a]
            a = int(next(i1, None))
        elif a > b:
            # bNotA += [a]
            b = int(next(i2, None))
        elif a == b:
            a = int(next(i1, None))
            b = int(next(i2, None))
    except TypeError:
        if not b:
            aNotB += list(i1)
            # bNotA += list(i1)


[3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87, 93, 99] If you want both the result for aNotB and bNotA you can uncomment those two lines.

Timing comparison with Andrej Kesely's answer:

$ seq 0 3 1000000 > 3k.txt
$ seq 0 2 1000000 > 2k.txt
$ time python        
python  0.38s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 0.387 total
$ time python        
python  1.11s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 1.116 total